Crisis Preparedness and Management
Better than the market leader.
Former managerCrisis Management Plan: Seven Reasons
- Educates employees to know a crisis when they see one
- Clarifies responsibilities
- Enables a quick, positive and appropriate reaction
- Prepares the corporate mind for the unexpected
- Provides time and space to determine the best response
- Ensures rapid and appropriate media engagement
- Gives confidence to investors
How we build a Crisis Management Plan
- Purpose of the Plan
- Identification/categorisation of a potential crisis
- Escalation process
- Team activation including legal & communications
- Incident review
- Information checklist
- Incident mitigation & business continuity
- Engaging key stakeholders
- Media enquiry guidelines
- Use of website/social media
- Adaptation of pre-drafted media statements
- Lessons identified & process review
Simulation training & workshops
Scenario workshops: seven reasons
- Prepares the team to expect the unexpected and deal with it
- Enables the prepared mind
- Educates the team to identify a potential crisis in good time
- Helps the team to know their part in the plan
- Trains the team to create the space in which to determine the best response
- Gets the team to understand the perspective of different stakeholders
- Enables the collective mindset for a quick, positive and appropriate reaction
In a short space of time we not only examined and improved the plan against a well thought through and challenging scenario, but you managed to embed the thought process for dealing with such incidents within our senior team. It was a hugely enjoyable and productive event
Bill Moore CBEA super event with the objective of participative learning achieved thanks to your skilled and practical guidance
John GolliferScenario workshops: how we do it
- Workshop format for leaders
- Max of 90 minutes’ duration
- Prepared and led by John Deverell
- Initial short presentation on leaders’ responsibilities in a crisis
- Relevant and bespoke scenario presented in playing card format
- Deals the cards which give the narrative and ask the questions
- John initiates the discussion as per “the Socratic Method”
- No “right” or “wrong” answers
- Explores different perspectives eg. legal, investors, regulators, media
- Derives the lessons and the principles
- Conclusion: the way ahead